Description Caution Lightsaber
“Many weapons can kill, but only a lightsaber can create such extreme hope or fear.”
Dexter Jettster, Star Wars: Episode II
Yes, we all emulate our great role models. Yes, especially Star Wars characters deserve to act as your role model. And yes, Cloud City is a really nice vacation spot. But... as a geek and nerd shop, we also feel obligated to call for responsible action. And therefore it must be said: Please, dear people, PLEASE remember that handling the lightsaber is only permitted for persons with appropriate training. Such an artificial hand is cool, but in our time simply not yet mature enough.
For training, there are initially special training lightsabers, whose use is significantly less risky.
So never forget: Whether Jedi or Sith, responsible handling of the gadgets is one of the most important guidelines on the path of the Force.